How Helping Others Makes Us Better Learners and Humans

Patrick Poh
3 min readFeb 24, 2024

Helping others. A simple act, with far-reaching consequences.

It fosters a sense of connection and community, strengthening social bonds and creating a supportive network. Lending a hand to others is not only a selfless act of kindness but also a source of numerous benefits.

It often leads to reciprocal acts of kindness, creating a positive cycle of goodwill and generosity. Assisting others can broaden one’s perspective, cultivate empathy, and develop valuable skills such as communication and problem-solving.

Ultimately, the act of lending a hand not only benefits those receiving assistance but also enriches the lives of those offering help. What happens to ourselves, the helpers, in this exchange? Let’s explore the transformative power of assisting others.

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The helper’s high

Witnessing a positive impact on another, whether through a helping hand or shared knowledge, triggers the release of feel-good chemicals in our brains.

Oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins create a warm sense of reward, reinforcing the desire to help again. This internal validation motivates us to continue on the path of assistance, creating a virtuous cycle of kindness.

Yet, the journey isn’t always smooth sailing.

We stress over ensuring our help is truly beneficial

We sometimes grapple with the responsibility of providing accurate information and ensuring the recipient can effectively utilize it. This pressure drives us to refine our own understanding, pushing us to seek out additional knowledge and solidify our grasp of the concepts.

This quest for improvement doesn’t stop at mere information.

We naturally transform into better communicators and educators

We seek ways to tailor our explanations, anticipating potential roadblocks and crafting accessible language. Empathy becomes key, allowing us to understand the recipient’s perspective and tailor our approach accordingly. This journey of refining communication skills benefits not only the people we help but also ourselves, enhancing our ability to articulate and express ideas effectively.

But it doesn’t end there.

We generate new learning methods and innovative teaching strategies

As we strive to better assist others, we envision scenarios, anticipate challenges, and design solutions, pushing the boundaries of our own understanding.

This active engagement with the material fosters deeper learning, uncovering nuances we might have missed before. We discover connections, formulate questions, and explore alternative perspectives, leading to a richer and more nuanced understanding of the subject matter.

By considering different learning styles and potential difficulties, we stumble upon situations and questions we never anticipated. This unexpected detour can open doors to entirely new areas of knowledge, expanding our intellectual horizons and fostering intellectual curiosity.

Should we actively seek opportunities to help others?

The answer, overwhelmingly, is yes.

While the initial motivation might be to assist those in need, the transformative power of this act extends far beyond the immediate impact.

Helping others is not just an outward gesture; it’s a catalyst for personal growth, a springboard for deeper learning, and a pathway to becoming a better communicator and educator.

Think of it as a two-way mirror

As we help others climb the mountain of knowledge, we simultaneously build our own path upwards. The act of guiding, explaining, and anticipating challenges becomes an internalized learning process. The effort of making the information accessible strengthens our own understanding, while the search for innovative teaching methods pushes us to explore uncharted territories of knowledge.

But the benefits extend beyond personal development. By actively helping others learn, we contribute to the collective pool of knowledge, creating a ripple effect that empowers others to climb even higher. We build stronger communities, foster collaboration, and cultivate a culture of shared learning and growth.

We should embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute. Witness the transformative power of the “helper’s high” blossom not just in yourself but in those you assist. Go forth, share your knowledge, and embark on this rewarding journey of self-discovery and collective empowerment.

And remember, every act of assistance, every bit of knowledge shared, is a pebble cast into the pond, creating ripples of positive impact that reach far beyond the initial splash.

