How To Run Longer and Be Less Tired

Patrick Poh
5 min readOct 24, 2022


I used to be a middle-distance runner. I ran cross-country in school, but then life and work and commitments happened: I dropped out on running entirely and couldn’t even make it through a 2.4km without stopping for a break (let alone a cross-country).

Photo by Chander R on Unsplash

No longer interested in making the same mistakes over again, however — and certain that my fitness level is no longer what it once was — I’ve changed up my training program by focusing on how long I can run without getting tired.

The results have been incredible! Being able to run as far as possible without stopping or slowing down has helped me get back into shape quickly but safely so that I could once again feel comfortable at any distance or pace.

Now when people ask me if they should train like this too, my answer is always “Yes!” So, here’s what worked for me:

Pick a race/distance

This is an important step. You need to pick a race that you’re interested in, one that is within your abilities and also one that is within your budget. It’s also important to make sure the race fits within what time frame you have available to train for it as well as if it lines up with any other commitments such as work or school (if you are still in school).

Pick a plan

Your plan will be your guide to help you achieve your goals. It’s important that you choose a running plan that is specific, measurable, realistic and attainable for you. You should also include a time frame for completing the plan so that you have something to work towards.

The following are some examples of running plans:

  • A 5k training plan — This type of training program helps new runners improve their speed and endurance by gradually increasing their distance over several weeks or months until they can run the entire distance without stopping or walking. They usually start with shorter runs each week (e.g., 1k) before working up to longer distances each week (e.g., 3k). In addition, there are many types of 5k training programs available online; some may require more advanced fitness levels than others.
  • A marathon training schedule — This type of program helps experienced runners prepare for long-distance races such as marathons (42k) or half marathons (21k). The schedules typically focus on increasing mileage during certain periods throughout the year so that participants can build up their endurance in order to complete longer distances.

Commit to the plan

Commit to the plan, even if you don’t feel like it. Remember that feeling “tired” is only temporary and that your body will adapt to the new routine over time.

If you miss a day or two of running or get off track, don’t give yourself a hard time! You can still get back on track with some extra effort and patience.

Be consistent and gradual

Now that you have a plan in place to get your feet moving, it’s time to put some mileage on the road. The best way to do so is by being consistent with your mileage and not running too much at any one time.

You should never run a distance that causes you pain or discomfort — if this happens, see a doctor right away. But if you’re just starting out and are having trouble keeping up with the program, remember: slow and steady wins the race!

Get strong

The best way to improve your endurance is to get stronger, and the best way to do that is with strength training.

Strength training will help you run longer and less tired because it improves your muscle efficiency, which allows you to burn more calories with less effort.

You want to focus on building muscle in your legs and core (abs, glutes, quads) as well as upper-body muscles like arms and shoulders.

The best exercises for these purposes are squats, lunges or step-ups for leg strength; planks for core; pull-ups or push-ups for upper body strength; weighted lunges or step ups if you have access to weights at home.

Focus on the big picture

Staying focused on the big picture is an important part of running longer and less tired. When you’re in the middle of training phase, you can get discouraged by small setbacks.

You may feel like taking a rest day when your muscles are sore. Or maybe you think that if your pace is slow, it means that what you’re doing isn’t working.

If you stay focused on your long-term goals for running and push through these setbacks, they will become easier with time. And don’t worry about overdoing it in the first few weeks as well — it’s normal for runners to feel sore after increasing their mileage too quickly! Just make sure not to push yourself too hard during those first few weeks, especially if you’ve never been much of a runner before.

Running longer distances is about consistency and exercise principles

Running longer distances is about consistency and exercise principles. If you want to run a 10k race, it’s best to start with shorter distances: a 5k race or even just a long run.

The key is to keep your running routine consistent and make sure you’re training your body for the distance that you’re shooting for.

For example, if you’ve never trained before and want to do a marathon, start with shorter distances: maybe 5k races or even just long runs of 5–10km each time out on the road or track every week until it becomes easy enough that going further seems like no big deal anymore!


I hope you found this article helpful in your quest to run longer and less tired. As stated before, it’s not just about how far you run but also how consistently you do it.

I know some people who can go out for a 30km run on Sunday and then go back to work Monday morning without breaking a sweat, while others struggle to get through half of their normal routine without feeling exhausted or injured!

So, my advice is this: keep working hard and stay focused on the big picture so that one day soon (maybe today?), you’ll be able to run as far as your dreams take them

